Magic Foods Series – Brocolli

Broccoli is the green brother of cauliflower, but it is filled with many more nutrients and minerals as compared to its brother. It is one of the tastiest and healthiest food items that is recommended to be eaten raw. One cup of raw broccoli offers high fiber content along with plenty of vitamins such as Vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B6, and minerals such as Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc and many more.

With so many benefits and more, broccoli is our #magicfood for the day. Let us see what more does broccoli has to offer.

  • Raw broccoli has tons of nutrient benefits hence it is strongly recommended to have broccoli in salads or in any other raw form.
  • Broccoli has antioxidants, which is considered to be very effective in preventing Cancer and Diabetes. Research has proven that eating broccoli regularly can reduce the changes of Prostate, lungs, breast and colon cancer.
  • Rich content of fiber in broccoli helps to keep the colon clean, aids in an efficient digestive system and enhances body’s immunity.
  • The fiber content in broccoli also helps to detoxify the body from harmful and unwanted chemicals.
  • Broccoli is a rich source of Calcium, Potassium, and Magnesium, which means strong teeth and bones.
  • Broccoli is capable of enhancing the blood-pumping capacity of our heart.
  • Broccoli is found to help cure certain types of allergies such as asthma. It contains special compounds such as polyphenols that enhance the anti-allergic immune response of the body. In addition, the antioxidant enzymes present in broccoli offers protection from free radicals that we inhale on a daily basis.
  • Studies have shown that Broccoli effectively prevents blindness. It contains antioxidants that protect eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  • Also, as The Healthy Unicorn says, when you follow a healthy lifestyle, which in this case is eating healthy #magicfoods, you automatically tend to lose weight and start looking younger. Broccoli aids in weight loss when eaten raw and the presence of Vitamin C ensures that you look younger and fresh.

Ensure that you eat broccoli in its best form. I just don’t mean eat while fresh, but also eat when raw. Cooking broccoli can reduce its nutrient properties by 90%.

Hence, keep it simple, keep it raw.

Broccoli 2Cut the broccoli into small pieces and sauté it in one small tablespoon oil, add salt and pepper as per taste, and garnish it with some crushed coconut. If you have kids, it can be a challenge to make them eat this weird-looking vegetable. In that case, you can add the pieces of broccoli to pizza toppings, or vegetable wrap, or you can also prepare a tasty pesto sauce and add broccoli to that. Kids will simply love it.

So here’s a simple add-on to a healthy lifestyle. Right food intake always provides the right benefits. #magicfoods are meant to offer you the best possible combination of health and taste. Leverage this chance to your advantage, and treat your body with the right kind of food.


5 thoughts on “Magic Foods Series – Brocolli

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